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Disengaging from Inner Criticism (evening workshop, Oct 21st) – no places left

Dates: October 21st
Time: 6-8 pm UK time / 19-21 CET
Venue: Zoom (you will receive a link when you sign up)
Price: 125 DKK is about 20 USD, 14,5 GBP, 16,8 EUR
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125.00 kr.

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Course description

Learn how to disengage from inner criticism, in particular in relation to spiritual work.

Most people are already familiar with the inner voice that tells you that whatever you just did (or didn’t do) is wrong. It is the voice that tells you not to ask a question at a lecture because it probably is a dumb question. It is also the voice that after the lecture tells you that you are a coward for not asking. Inner criticism may appear to offer guidance, but in effect, it mostly creates feelings of shame, guilt, and inferiority without providing real support in life.

The spiritual journey is a journey of self-discovery. On this journey, it is necessary to see yourself clearly and honestly. You must see your immaturity to mature. You must see your mistakes to learn and grow. One major obstacle on this journey is inner criticism. If you do not learn to handle inner criticism, you will be attacked every time you see something new about yourself – making the journey of self-discovery very difficult and scary.

When you learn to disengage from inner criticism, you can journey much faster and enjoy your life’s lessons and your ongoing growth much more. You will be able to meet yourself and mature without being compromised by shame, guilt, or fear, resulting from the attacks of inner criticism. You will be able to listen to more parts of yourself with kindness and compassionate understanding. And this will enable these parts to blossom and contribute to the wholeness that is you.

In this workshop, you will be introduced to ways of detecting inner criticism, both in its overt manifestations and when it poses as “guidance” or “conscience” or simply as if it were stating facts. You will also be introduced to concrete ways of disengaging from inner criticism. Finally, you will learn about compassionate and non-judgmental ways of listening to yourself and others.

Disengaging from inner criticism is truly one of the kindest things you can do for both yourself and the ones you love.

This workshop is a possibility to get introduced to Sensing Mind Institute and Claus Springborg, who is offering ongoing workshops on highly efficient and evidence-based approaches to personal and spiritual development.


About Claus Springborg, ph.d.

Over the last couple of decades, I have studied various traditional and contemporary paths of personal development. In particular, I have studied the Enneagram with Claudio Naranjo, Tibetan Buddhism with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, and the Diamond Logos essence work with Faisal Muqaddam, Jeremy Klein, and Velusia Van Horssen. I also hold a master practitioner degree in NLP.

I did my doctoral research at Cranfield University, in the UK. I researched how I could use modern cognitive science to understand the practices of personal development I had learned from the above-mentioned masters. In particular, I used cognitive metaphor theory and theories of embodied cognition. Sixty managers from various organisations participated in the research. The research is published in the book Sensory Templates and Manager Cognition: Art, Cognitive Science and Spiritual Practices in Management Education and in several book chapters and academic papers on topics, such as education, therapy, cognitive science, leadership, and community building.

Today, I have established a school, Sensing Mind Institute, where I teach my personal blend of methods for personal and spiritual development to therapists, psychologists, counsellors, managers and others who work professionally with people. Apart from my work with Sensing Mind Institute, I am lecturing on entrepreneurship, community building, and co-creation at Copenhagen Business School and at The Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen.

I have a background in music, dance and physics. In my teaching, I emphasise kindness, precision, and humour.


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